By using this service you can download transformation models from the database kept on our site This database is completed by TransLT users on their responsibility and therefore we recommend that you check the correctness of the transformation.

If you are a registered user on, in this window you can update or delete your published transformation models.

Search Model

In titles or descriptions

This text will be searched in the fields with titles or descriptions in the database. If one of the texts with the title's or model’s description partially or fully contains the searched text then the found pattern is added to the list of countries and states containing models.

In CRS names (initial or final)

This text will be searched in the fields with the initial and final CRS name from the database. If one of the texts with the name of the initial and final CRS name partially or fully contains the searched text, the found pattern is added to the list of countries and states containing models.

In EPSG codes (initial or final)

This text will be searched in the fields with the initial and final EPSG code from database. If one of the initial or final EPSG codes is identical to the searched text, the found pattern is added to the list of countries and states containing models.

Button Search

By pressing this button the search in the database is made according to the texts entered for search.


Show only my models (login required)

To activate this filter it is required to login as user. When this filter is enabled there are displayed only the models you published and in this case you can delete or modify these models (delete and edit buttons are enabled).

Show only compatible models for drawing in Google Earth

Show only compatible models for drawing in Google Earth. A model of this type makes a transformation from a coordinate reference system (CRS) of the projection plan (N,E,H) commonly used in surveying in a geographical coordinate reference system (φ,λ,h) on WGS84 or ETRS89 (GRS80) ellipsoid, with the longitude relative to Greenwich Prime Meridian.

Countries and states containing models

List of countries and states found containing models. For each country or state is displayed in brackets the number of models found. By selecting from this list a country or state, the table with models found will be loaded.

Models found in ...

Table with models found for the selected country or state. In this table onle summary information about a model is presented, to see detailed information select a model and press Details button.

Button Delete

By calling this button the selected model is deleted from the database. The button becomes active only if the filter Show only my models (login required) is checked.

For this operation it is required a deleting confirmation.

Button Edit

By calling this button the selected model can be updated with a new transformation model that will be taken from a file. The button becomes active only if the filter Show only my models (login required) is checked.

Find information about editing a model at Upload or edit transformation model window.

Button Details

It displays in a window details about the selected model.

Button Download

By calling this button the selected model is downloaded from the database and then placed at the end of the list of transformation models in the section Universal Transformations.

Note: Some published transformation models may have been done with a newer version of the software. In this case it is not possible to download them with this version of the software. To use them, we recommend using the latest version of the software.

Note: The commands for deleting, editing, showing details and downloading a model can be used from the contextual menu by clicking the right-mouse button on one of the models selected from the list.