The list of projection systems

From the list of projections select the projection that will be used for the direct or reverse conversion of the geographic coordinates (φ,λ) to plane coordinates (N,E).

Only for the following map projections: Topocentric local, Vertical Perspective and Vertical Perspective (Orthographic case) the h or H elevation is calculated, for the rest of the projections the value of the elevation is not changed.

Information about the projections supported by the program can be found at Supported transformations and conversions - Table no.2.

Button Select map projection from the EPSG database

It load parameters of a map projection using The window of selecting the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) from the EPSG database. The data taken from a coordinate reference system (CRS) projected type is: projection parameters and datum.

Map projection name

It sets the name of the map projection. This text will be written at the tables labels where the map projection is used.

The parameters of the map projection (general description)

    It sets the value of the parameters of the map projection according to the selected projection. According to the selected projection the parameters can be:
  1. For latitude and longitude:
    • Latitude of false origin;
    • Longitude of false origin;
    • Latitude of standard parallel;
    • Latitude of 1st standard parallel;
    • Latitude of 2nd standard parallel;
    • Latitude pseudo standard parallel;
    • Initial longitude (western limit of zone 1);
    • Latitude of projection centre;
    • Longitude of projection centre;
    • Latitude of natural origin;
    • Longitude of natural origin;
    • Longitude of central meridian;
    • Longitude of meridian true to scale;
    • Northernmost latitude of quadrangle;
    • Southernmost latitude of quadrangle;
    • Latitude of topocentric origin;
    • Longitude of topocentric origin.
  2. For angles:
    • Azimuth of initial line;
    • Azimuth of central line;
    • Angle from Rectified to Skewed grid;
    • Co-latitude of cone axis;
    • Zone width (W).
  3. For moving the projected coordinates:
    • Easting at false origin;
    • Northing at false origin;
    • False Easting at projection centre;
    • False Northing at projection centre;
    • False Easting;
    • False Northing;
    • Ordinate 1 of evaluation point (Xo) East;
    • Ordinate 2 of evaluation point (Yo) North.
  4. Scale factor:
    • Scale factor on initial line;
    • Scale factor at natural origin;
    • Scale factor along the central meridian;
    • Scale factor on pseudo standard parallel.
  5. Other parameters:
    • Ellipsoidal height of origin;
    • Height of viewpoint;
    • Projection plane origin height;
    • Zone;
    • Weighting factor.

For the projections that are frequently used with a single set of parameters the user is asked if the implicit values of the projection are loaded or not (parameters and datum).

Use formulas with constant coefficients (Not recommended)

For the Oblique Stereographic projection the calculation can also be made with constant coefficients. This option is not recommended to be used as it was introduced for conversion compatibility with programs that use this calculation mode.

Button Coefficients (φ, λ) → (N,E)

It opens the window for introducing the constant coefficients used for the forward conversion (φ, λ) to (N, E) for the Oblique Stereographic projection.

Button Coefficients (N,E) → (φ, λ)

It opens the window for introducing the constant coefficients used for the inverse conversion (N, E) to (φ, λ) for the Oblique Stereographic projection.

Button Coefficients C1..C10

It opens the window for introducing the coefficients used for Krovak Oblique Conformal Conic Modified projection.

Button Calculate from 2 points

For the projection that requires azimuth orientation of the initial line or of the central line and the angle from rectified to skewed grid these can be calculated by introducing the geographic coordinates of those two points that define the line.