TransLT.exe software can also be used by external call from the command line or by calling it by another program. In such case TransLT makes the conversion of a coordinates file according to a transformation model taken from file or draws graphical entities in Google Earth.

Program settings on units and general options are used for this conversion and can be changed from the main program using button Options.

Using TransLT from the command line

1. Convert a coordinate file

The parameters between brackets [ ] are optional and these brackets do not need to be written in the command line.

The output file must be different from the input file; the program does not save the data for the input file because this input data will be lost.

2. Convert a coordinate file with entities and draw directly into Google Earth or save the file in csv, xml, kml or kmz format

The parameters between brackets [ ] are optional and these brackets do not need to be written in command line.

If the output filename parameter OutputFile is an empty string and EditEnts is False or if both are omitted, the entities from the file are drawn directly in Google Earth.

3. Open the TransLT window to convert coordinates from file and then open the TransLT window to draw entities in Google Earth

4. Common options of using TransLT in Windows





Opens the TransLT coordinate conversion window and add file.


Displays the help in command line, the display is made in English only.


Examples of use

Example of using from the command line or in a batch .bat file:

Example of calling from another program (pascal syntax in Delphi):

where Self.Handle variable represents the handle of the window that launched TransLT.

Example of calling from another program (c++ syntax in VS 2010):

where this->Handle variable represents the handle of the window that launched TransLT.


Description of messages transmitted by TransLT

Messages are sent using SendMessage function with WM_COPYDATA message identifier:

where the variable cds is of the type TCopyDataStruct in pascal or COPYDATASTRUCT in c++.

    The variable values transmitted by cds may be, depending on message, the following:
  1. Implementation progress messages:
    • cds.cbData = number of characters contained in cds.lpData ;
    • cds.lpData = 'PROG_BAR_POS' identification text;
    • cds.dwData = percent with values between 0 and 100.
  2. Error messages:
    • cds.cbData = number of characters contained in cds.lpData ;
    • cds.lpData = text with the error message according to the language set in TransLT;
    • cds.dwData = the number of the error greater than 0.
  3. Final message termination of execution:
    • cds.cbData = number of characters contained in cds.lpData ;
    • cds.lpData = 'CONV_DONE' identification text;
    • cds.dwData = 0.

The procedure performed when messages are received (pascal syntax in Delphi):

The function performed when messages are received (c++ syntax in VS 2010):

To implement in your applications you can download test applications built ​​in Delphi and Visual C++.