TopoLT is a very professional product. I have used it with AutoCAD 2008 for the evaluation period with great results that convinced me it was well worth investing in. In that period I used the volume calculation and model creation functions. These gave very professional results which impressed clients and made the process speedy. My AutoCAD skills are limited but I was able to use the program without reading the instructions cover to cover. I look forward to using the program to its full abilities creating survey drawings.
Ce pot spune despre TopoLT. Numai de bine. Am instalat pentru prima data TopoLT versiunea 3 prin 2003 in perioada cand eram student, la Geodezie. Lucrasem inainte si aveam idee ce inseamna intocmirea unui plan, raportarea de puncte, etc. Vreau sa va spun ca TopoLT pentru mine a fost o incantare, ceva nemaipomenti pentru un topograf. Asteptam de fiecare data sa apara versiuni inbunatatite, cu noi comenzi. TopoLT a crescut an de an, a devenit din ce in ce mai complex si mai util, tinand tot timpul pasul cu noile schimbari impuse de ANCPI (ma refer la partea de parcelari, CP, desenarea plansei lucru). Nu o sa fac referire la functiile si comenzile TopoLT, acestea fiind disponibile in partea de Help a programului. De curand familia TopoLT s-a imbunatatit cu inca doua noi programe: – ProfLT un ajutor excelent in realizarea profilelor si TransLT un real ajutor in transcalul de coordonate si desenarea de poligoane in Google Earth. Firma noastra foloseste cu succes cele trei softuri TopoLT, ProfLT si TransLT, fiindu-ne de un real ajutor in realizarea planurilor. Asteptam noi versiuni la cele existente deja, dar si extinderea familiei de programe. Poate pe viitor un program pentru compensari. Recomandam cu incredere TopoLT, ProfLT si TransLT si le uram autorilor si distribuitorilor acestor minunate softuri, cat mai multe versiuni. Felicitari. Tineti-o tot asa!
There is a saying: „everything by the book”, and everything is complete, with a very good commands organization. TopoLT and ProfLT are two very well designed programs, are complex and significantly increase the work speed due to the friendly interface. The system’s efficiency and quality are to be appreciated, it is a much expected help to those who work in architecture, geodesy, topography and cadaster. I would like to thank the CADWARE Engineering team and also Mr. Bujor Cristinel, the creator of these applications, for their professionalism and quality of service.
TopoLT application is a real help for designing topographical and cadastral plans in AutoCAD and ZWCAD. Among the functions most frequently used by us are the direct drawing of points from the coordinates files, labels optimization to avoid overlapping, parcel detachment using specific cadastral methods, automatic drawing of topographical grids. Congratulations and keep up the good work!