Program commands

PChLng - Change language
ProfCfg - ProfLT configuration
PEditLay - Edit allocated layers file
PPur - Purge drawing 7 times
DrawPts - Draw points from file
SavePts - Save points coordinates in file
DelPts - Delete all points from the drawing
MakePL - Create longitudinal profile
MakePT - Create cross profile
MultPT - Create multiple cross profiles
ZoomProf - Search and view profile in drawing window
InfoProf - Information about profiles
  Profiles on 3D model
SelM3D - Select 3D model
MMakePL - Create longitudinal profile through 3D model
MMakePT - Create cross profile through 3D model
MPTonPL - Create cross profile connected to longitudinal profile through 3D model
MPTfree - Create unconnected (independent) cross profile through 3D model
  Profile modifications
CnxPT - Connect cross profiles to a longitudinal profile
UncnxPT - Disconnect cross profiles from a longitudinal profile
RenumPT - Renumber cross profiles
RecalcKm - Recalculate mark off with kilometers (miles) for cross profiles connected to a longitudinal profile
RecalcBis - Recalculate orientations for the connected cross profiles by bisecting line in connection point of longitudinal profile
RotSect - Rotate section line for a cross profile
SplitPL - Split in two longitudinal profile
JoinPL - Joins two longitudinal profiles
InvPL - Reverse longitudinal profile
RegenProf - Regenerates profiles
DelProf - Delete profiles
  Preview profiles
PrevPL - Preview longitudinal profiles
PrevPT - Preview cross profiles
  Draw profiles
Qdraw - Quick profile draw
DrawPL - Draw longitudinal profiles with page arrangement
DrawPT - Draw cross profiles with page arrangement
AutoPL - Automatic creation of longitudinal profiles using points code
AutoPT - Automatic creation of cross profiles connected to one longitudinal profile using points codes
JoinPts - Join points from cross profiles with 2D or 3D polyline and draw them on left and right side of axis
MJoinPts - Multiple join of points from left and right of the longitudinal profile axis according to codes list
ChCods - Change point codes from polylines
CalcZ - Calculate height of platform (red line) and draw elevations texts
CalcDcl - Calculate and draw gradients
  Export data
MicrFile - Export profiles in MICROPISTE format
MicrCoo - Export points in MICROPISTE format
SdrFile - Export profiles in SDRMAP format
SdrCoo - Export points in SDR format