CADWARE Engineering and 3D Space are partners of the most important technical universities in Romania
CADWARE Engineering and 3D Space support technical universities in Romania by offering free educational licenses to students and teachers, creating strong partnerships with them. By developing these partnerships, the two companies contribute to the development of the next generations of students. The applications and the advantages of using them are brought to the attention at scientific seminars, but also at other profile events for the engineers to deliver quality projects in a much shorter time.
Faculty of Geodesy, Bucharest
One of these events took place on 10th March 2020, in the amphitheater of the Faculty of Geodesy in Bucharest. This scientific seminar, named “Successful Romanian software applications in the field of geodetic engineering”, was attended by Mr. Cristinel Bujor, general manager of 3D Space and also the developer of TopoLT, ProfLT and TransLT programs, and Brîndșa Pârlog, engineer and managing partner of CADWARE Engineering. The organization of this event was supported by professors, including the dean of the faculty, Mr. Gheorghe Badea.
The main objective of this event was to familiarize students with the Romanian programs TopoLT, ProfLT and TransLT and to help both students and teachers to make quality work, in accordance with the latest requirements in Romania, but also to shorten the time of completion of works in the field of geodesy, topography and cadastre.
On this occasion, permanent licenses were offered for TopoLT, ProfLT and TransLT programs, in order to be used for educational purposes by students.
Military Technical Academy, Bucharest
With the help of teachers from Military Technical Academy in Bucharest, 3D Space and CADWARE Engineering held an online presentation to students at this educational institution to familiarize them with the TopoLT, ProfLT and TransLT programs. On this occasion, TopoLT, ProfLT and TransLT software licenses were offered to the faculty laboratory for educational purpose.
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University, Iași
CADWARE Engineering and 3D Space have extended their partnership with universities from Moldova, sponsoring the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi with TopoLT, ProfLT and TransLT permanent licenses. These licenses are useful during this period when online education is supported through various online platforms.
We thank to the teachers from the technical universities for their involvement and support in organizing the events and facilitating the interaction with the students in order to familiarize them with the applications we commercialize.